Based on the current living situations we walk around with a lot of pressure on our shoulders. Everyone is looking for that someone that can help them share their load but nobody is looking for that someone they can help share their load. Dedicate part of your day at least to be a miracle to someone and the favor will one day be returned when you desperately need it. Instead of always looking for help, sometimes try and forget yourself then attend to others and the seeds you plant, it is you who'll sow them. You have to learn that help comes from helping others. Just because everybody is going through something it doesn't mean they don't need someone like you with a broken limb to help them; you never know; what he/she lacks is what you have and whatever you lack is what he/she got. So the moments you feel like you are drowning don't spend all the hours wallowing in your own pain, get up and ask your neighbor/friend "what can I do for you?" instead of "what can you do for me?" Don't worry even if they won't help you in return just remember no good deed ever rots.
Learn to help each other selflessly, the treasures of tomorrow lies in the path you take today. Some people always wonder if I ever go through tough times since it seems I do always have the answers, well yes pretty much all the times, but a special someone once told me, "...the words you wrote to me also apply to yourself as I hope you must know. Helping others is ultimately helping ourselves in the long run..." I don't usually have all the answers or words to help myself up but through whatever I write here, I find my guidance too. Sometimes the solutions to your problems that you are looking for, you unlock them by stretching your hand to the person in need.