As you begin a new day always remember today is a white sheet of paper that has been handed to you with no single spot, you have also been given paints of all sorts...whatever you draw and whatever colors you use it is all in the matter of your choice. You can either paint what your heart desires or let others influence your picture but at the end of the painting, it is your signature that will appear at the bottom of the paper. Claim your day and own it as you pleaseth. If you want to make it beautiful embrace beauty If you want to make it dull the color choice is yours. If you want to leave the sheet blank, it is up to you too. Whatever the outcome of your day, remember it is you who chose it that way...i am not saying that trouble won't face you, but i am saying it is your choice to choose either to rise above it or cry the victim. Remember troubles are like tests, if you can manage to stay positive even when the world hands you misery then you have won the battle half-the-way. It is not the number of times you have fallen that matters, but the number of times you have gotten up. Tomorrow is not here yet so worry not about it, for it is said that we tend to worry most about what we do not see...if it has not happened then do not make it happen. Yesterday is gone, don't let it trouble you for there is nothing you can do about it. Today is at hand, make good use of it, for today is the yesterday you will look back to tomorrow either with a smile or a frown. As you begin a new day always remember today is a white sheet of paper.
If you feel you are beautiful, you are.
If you feel you are ugly, you are.
If you feel you are poor, you are.
If you feel you are rich, you are.
If you feel you are happy, you are.
If you feel you are neglected, you are.
If you feel you are loved, you are.
If you feel you are blessed, you are.
If you feel you are smart, you are.
If you feel you are pathetic, you are.
If you feel you are stupid, you are.
If you feel you are satisfied, you are.
Whatever you feel originates from your mind and displays itself to the world. Whatever you think of yourself, you make yourself. Right mood in the wrong environment attracts the right reactions. Wrong mood in the right environment attracts the disastrous reaction. And then you blame the world for being unfair for handing you whatever you attracted. The world can only treat you and see you only as how you see yourself. "Who told you i am wearing white? You only think i am wearing white because in my mind i know i am wearing white." The strongest gravity is not at the center of the earth but within us, for we do not bond with the ground but with whatever we see ourselves us.
Based on the current living situations we walk around with a lot of pressure on our shoulders. Everyone is looking for that someone that can help them share their load but nobody is looking for that someone they can help share their load. Dedicate part of your day at least to be a miracle to someone and the favor will one day be returned when you desperately need it. Instead of always looking for help, sometimes try and forget yourself then attend to others and the seeds you plant, it is you who'll sow them. You have to learn that help comes from helping others. Just because everybody is going through something it doesn't mean they don't need someone like you with a broken limb to help them; you never know; what he/she lacks is what you have and whatever you lack is what he/she got. So the moments you feel like you are drowning don't spend all the hours wallowing in your own pain, get up and ask your neighbor/friend "what can I do for you?" instead of "what can you do for me?" Don't worry even if they won't help you in return just remember no good deed ever rots.
Learn to help each other selflessly, the treasures of tomorrow lies in the path you take today. Some people always wonder if I ever go through tough times since it seems I do always have the answers, well yes pretty much all the times, but a special someone once told me, "...the words you wrote to me also apply to yourself as I hope you must know. Helping others is ultimately helping ourselves in the long run..." I don't usually have all the answers or words to help myself up but through whatever I write here, I find my guidance too. Sometimes the solutions to your problems that you are looking for, you unlock them by stretching your hand to the person in need.
We face situations that always influence how we turn out to be. Situations like how our parents treated us while we were kids, how our spouses treated us or how people related to us while we were in school among many others. These situations tend to leave a long lasting scar on our lives. For example, your former spouse for a number of times was having extra affairs, when you move into a new relationship you'll have the mentality that all men/girls are always like that. If your parents mistreated you while you were growing up, you end up believing that the world out there is harsh just as same and the list goes on...for a long time we are blinded by these things till they end up becoming part of us. We must learn to understand that our world only becomes what we view it as. We may have a tough dark past but it's better to view it as what was shaping us rather than a scar of the world. When you were mistreated while growing up, don't end up mistreating people later in your life. Your ex-partner played you, don't start having numerous lovers for the sake of revenge saying your ex was a jerk, and forgetting you are becoming one when you do the same thing he/she did to you. Let people that are in your life your life influence you but don't let them define you. Be defined by your good morals; be good despite how much people aren't good towards you because at the end of the day you should live your life. Every trouble you go through in life is to prepare for you to use it on someone in need in future. It's often said, “You can't save someone who is down not unless you yourself have been there” all the trouble are to help you understand others better. Some people never did hurt you intentionally so don't take it out on others.
We don't expect everything to be perfect and neither do we expect ourselves to be perfect but that does not mean we can't be the best of us today. The world is harsh and each day somebody is bound to annoy us. Be it a friend, family, a stranger or even the love of our lives...maybe just because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed and they let their temper out on us...its not because they love it but its because they have a lot on their shoulder. But keep this in mind...two wrongs don't make a right and some people are brought into our lives not to help us but instead we be there angels. You maybe going through a lot too but its better your swallow your pride and instead of being mean to them, be nice...even when they hurt you reply it with a smile or a compliment or a shoulder...maybe that is what they are looking never know, someone maybe on the brink to terminate their life and you may be their savior just because your kindness showed them that they are loved and they are not alone. That fake smile on your face, those kind words maybe your key to your dreams. God gives the hand that help this person today and you never know he/she maybe having the solution to your problem(s). Remember you cannot reap apples when you planted cactus. Your partner maybe short tempered and he/she keeps on getting pissed off at simple things. They'll do that a lot and it will hurt you. And if your response to them is getting mad at them, staying away from them, replying them with anger too, it will stick as a habit...and nothing will ever get better. But if your response is you smile, you calm them down, you show them love...assure them that everything is going to be okay. With time they will see that they are wasting themselves and they'll realize that they are the one at the losing end and you'll be surprised on how they change to become better. Always remember a victorious fighter is not the one with a gun on his is the one with a smile on his face. Don't ever let people take the best from you...let people bring the best out of you. A foolish angel is that who believes that he/she is not an angel, instead others are.
Now here is a secret, do you know why most of relationships fail? It is because when we go out to look for the love partner, we go out looking for someone who can complete us...someone who can fill up that void in us, that someone who can make us feel special. That is the biggest mistake a lot have been doing. First before you go out looking for love, furthermore you should not be looking for i was stating, before you are out to find your partner...first find yourself, understand yourself and love yourself. There's a lie we are always told that we need to find someone who will love us for our faults, that means you are over looking your defaults and trying to find someone we can use as an excuse of "oh i am only human, i am not perfect"...once you view yourself as imperfect thus you are generating yourself as an imperfection. Look in the mirror and fall in love with the person you see, stop looking for excuses, like i am fat, i am insecure, i am too needy, and other blah blah blahs. Like it's always said, don't fall in love because you are lonely fall in love because you are ready. And by ready it means find yourself, understand yourself and love yourself. Fill that void in you with your own joy and satisfaction and love will find you not vice versa... Lisa Nichols said, "Inside relationships it's important to first understand who's coming into the relationship, and not just your partner. You need to understand yourself first" you know the secret..